C#( C sharp)


Once we know what the program should do (specification), and how we are going to 
determine whether it has worked or not (test) we now need to express our program in a 
form that the computer can work with.
You might ask the question "Why do we need programming languages, why can we 
not use something like English?" There are two answers to this one:
1.  Computers are too stupid to understand English.
2.  English would make a lousy programming language.

To take the second point. English as a language is packed full of ambiguities. It is 
very hard to express something in an unambiguous way using English. If you do not 
believe me, ask any lawyer! 


We are going to learn a language called C# (pronounced C sharp). If you ever make 
the mistake of calling the language C hash you will show your ignorance straight 
away! C# is a very flexible and powerful programming language  with an interesting 
history. It was developed by Microsoft Corporation for a variety of reasons, some 
technical, some political and others marketing. 
C# bears a strong resemblance to the C++ and Java programming languages, having 
borrowed (or improved) features provided by these languages. The origins of both Java 
and C++ can be traced back to a language called C, which is a highly dangerous and 
entertaining language which was invented in the early 1970s. C is famous as the 
language the UNIX operating system was written in, and was specially designed for 


The C# language attempts to get the best of both worlds in this respect. A C# program 
can contain managed or unmanaged parts. The managed code is fussed over by the 
system which runs it. This makes sure that it is hard (but probably not impossible) to 
crash your computer running managed code. However, all this fussing comes at a price, 
causing your programs to run more slowly. 
To get the maximum possible performance, and enable direct access to parts of the 
underlying computer system, you can mark your programs as unmanaged. An 
unmanaged program goes faster, but if it crashes it is capable of taking the computer with it. Switching to unmanaged mode is analogous to removing the guard from your 
new chainsaw because it gets in the way.
C# is a great language to start learning with as the managed parts will make it easier for 
you to understand what has happened when your programs go wrong.

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